The scammer is less worried about you replying, so the return address is not a disposable account - because their goal is more that you open the attachment to see the refund information. But it is really a script to download something malicious to your computer.
In these cases, never click on anything in the email, including the attachment. Open a new window browser and go to the website and see if you can find the information independently. If not, look up their informational phone number and call them. Better to find out it is a scam than to have something terrible downloaded to your computer.
Reply-To: []
From: []
Subject: Submit Your Payment Refund
Dear Applicant:
An Income Tax repayment is a refund of tax that you’ve overpaid.
So, if you’ve paid too much tax for example through your job or pension this year or in previous years HMRC will send you a repayment.
You’ll get the repayment by bank transfer directly to your credit or debit card.
After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity we have determined that you are eligible
to receive a tax refund of 384.77 GBP.
Due to the high volume of refunds due you must complete the online application
In oder to process your refund you will need to complete the application form attached to this email.
Your refund may take up to 1 - 2 days to process please make sure you complete the form correctly.
Please download the form attached to this email and open it in a web browser. Once opened, you will be provided with steps to refund your money as soon as possible.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Best Regards,
HM Revenue & Customs
London , HA7 2LD
File attached: Refund.html
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