Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Internet Scam: Fake Facebook Missed Activity Email

Here is an email I received that looks like I am missing stuff on Facebook and I should click on the link to see what I missed. But it is a scam.

Notice the 'From' email address. It is not a Facebook email. When I moused over the button links that say 'Got to Facebook' and 'Check Notifications', the actual destination link is tdginc.com/boats.html. Not a good sign! And when I viewed the email headers I saw this:

Return-Path: susan_kenney@a132.radicenter.eu

So that is where replies will likely go. But the scammer isn't after replies. They want you to click on those links. DON'T! I know, all the Facebook users moving too fast who do not want to miss a single thing will click on those buttons, but I'm here to tell you - do not do it!

Log into Facebook yourself - from a new browser window where you type in the facebook url yourself and see from there what you may have missed. The below email is a total scam.

1 comment:

  1. This email pretty much looks like the one above except this Subject line is "Confirm Your Account on Facebook". It has a long complicated url to click on that looks like it is from Facebook so unsuspecting people will click on it, but the actual destination is: http://www.coondawgscom/live/docs/work/space/

    And there is a button in the email too that say "Last day: Complete Signup" just to try and catch those people who think oh! I must click now before it is too late! But it will only be too late when you DO click on it. DO NOT DO IT!

    FROM: Facebook (update+rleycsghdknu@snla.no)
    Reply-to: noreply [noreply@snla.no]
    Errors-To: update+rleycsghdknu@snla.no
    SUBJECT: Confirm your account on Facebook

    Hi ,
    You are using Facebook, but you still haven't confirmed your account.

    To confirm, simply follow this link:


    And that's it! Once you do this, you'll have access to all of Facebook's features.

    Important: You'll be unable to log in to your Facebook account until you complete this step.

    You may be asked to enter this confirmation code: 119213
    Again, welcome!
    The Facebook Team
